Dr. Triveni CL

The B.E degree course in Electronics & Communication Engineering was instituted in this college in the year 1967 and a separate department of E&C Engineering was started in the year 1981. The B.E course ( 4 years with 8 Semesters) has an intake of 90 students. It is an autonomous Programme, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum. The department also offers an M.Tech degree programme in Digital Electronics & Communication Systems (affiliated to VTU, Belgaum), with an intake of 25 students. This M.Tech. course was instituted in the year 1987. The department has been recognized as a research center for M.Sc (Engg) & Ph.D programmes from the year 1990. The department has a very good infrastructure and laboratory facilities. The department has received grants under the Direct Central Assistance scheme of the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India and AICTE. The laboratory facilities in the department have been significantly improved under TEQIP-I grants. The department has highly qualified and motivated staff. It is conducting short-term courses and workshops on regular basis since 1983, for the benefit of the faculty of Engineering colleges, Polytechnics, PG students, UG students and research students. The department is securing very good results in both B.E (ATNMS) and M.Tech course, every year. The research activities in the department are excellent. The placement records of the department are also very good.The department has made MOU's with INSAT Master Control Facility (a wing of ISRO), HASSAN, Eagle photonics ,Bangalore and BSNL.
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/L3QWMxHoaaM
To produce industry ready, research oriented and socially responsible Electronics and Communication Engineers.